An old Sufi tale tells of a caravan traveling across the desert. Each camel was weighted with a considerable burden. One of them sought relief in the unbearable dry heat. Spying a stream far below, she ran down and plunged into the cool water, which dissolved the salt she carried. Her load thus lightened, she sprang from the stream. This caught the attention of another sufferer, who likewise raced to the stream and took the plunge, expecting the same relief. His load, however, consisted of cotton, which absorbed the water, and he drowned.
Not all treatments work for all people, just as not all coaches can relate to every potential client. It is important, as you seek the care that is right for you, both to meet me, and to know about some of the interventions I use. I’ve been educated extensively in the following modalities which, despite their obvious differences, have a few things in common: each has been tested for effectiveness, and is proven useful in removing roadblocks to your vital life.
Each has applications to the mindbody, the “soma,” where overwhelming stress is stored, undigested. Each understands that symptoms of distress are actually reflective of strategies that are intended to protect the self… Ultimately, though, these very strategies, as well as the stressors which caused them, create disregulation in our bodies, diminishing our ability to recover.
when we come to see ourselves as having inadequate coping mechanisms which can be corrected, and begin to work with the stress now stuck in our bodies, we free ourselves from seeing ourselves as inadequate, powerless, and hopeless, to feel our agency physically as well as mentally.
These also work holistically in combination with each other to accelerate healing. If the following seem to strike a chord with you, it’s a good sign that it’s time for us to meet. Click on any of the below for more information.

Attachment Therapies for Healing Relationships

CranioSacral Therapy & Somato Emotional Release

Voice Dialogue

Narrative Work: What’s Your Story?