Money Stress: How Growing Up Without Effects Our Relationship With Money Now

That trauma shows up in my office, among those who rationally know they have plenty, but are constantly driven by a sense of never having enough. By those who are miserable in their jobs but terrified at even manageable risk factors in pursuing, instead, work more satisfying to them and more helpful to the world. By those compulsively resist opening their ledgers, looking up their account balance, or in any way checking their goals against the realities of their current finances. When you’re raising a family, or closing in on retirement, that becomes a huge problem. Continue Reading Money Stress: How Growing Up Without Effects Our Relationship With Money Now

There is no Magic in Money

There is no magic in money. Regardless of whether you hold to the Secret, and the myriad ways of manifesting it, money intrinsically does not have magical capabilities. It can’t of itself cheat death, make the IRS disappear, or arouse love in others. It cannot even solve poverty, although intuitively, that seems to be what… Continue Reading There is no Magic in Money

Money: A Great Idea Gone Bad?

Where did it all go so wrong? Money was supposed to keep the peace, not ruin it. When caveperson #1 wanted something from caveperson #2, s/he would look to trade. If #2 also wanted something from #1, all good! But what would happen if there weren’t a mutual wanting? Someone would get hurt, even killed;… Continue Reading Money: A Great Idea Gone Bad?