Love & Connection: An Effort to Define the Undefinable

Love. No emotion is as all-encompassing or as ill-defined as love. Not only romantic love, the pink-and-red hearts-and-flowers that Valentine’s Day has become, but family love, the love of friends, and what happens to us holistically when we’re not getting enough…of love. Let’s pause for a second. I’m going to ask you right now to,… Continue Reading Love & Connection: An Effort to Define the Undefinable

“A Little Compassion Here”: Addiction as Illness

I was going to write about relationships this month, about the value of connection, with family, friends, lovers, and ultimately the world. It’s a subject that I cherish, and work with on a daily basis. And I will get to that… but first, I must address a subject that has come up recently in the… Continue Reading “A Little Compassion Here”: Addiction as Illness

Strengthen Your Brain, Strengthen Your Resolve

Bill Moyers did a fascinating series on healing, and one interview he did has really stuck with me. A man had had a stroke, taking out much of the emotional part of the brain. While the higher parts of the brain, including the frontal lobe we explored last week, remained  untouched, the man was left… Continue Reading Strengthen Your Brain, Strengthen Your Resolve

The Mechanics of Will: the Neuroscience Behind Successful Resolutions

You know that gesture that, in moments of shock and overwhelm, we humans worldwide do to soothe ourselves? Hand to forehead! Try it now. Soothing, isn’t it? In so doing, we intuitively embrace and protect a vital part of our brain, one that governs among many, many things, our will itself. Oh, not the passion,… Continue Reading The Mechanics of Will: the Neuroscience Behind Successful Resolutions

Keeping Change Fresh: the Power of “New”

The chance to start over again is like walking in newly-fallen snow. So fresh! So clean! So begging to be marked! Like newborns with extraordinary intelligence, we blissfully revel in opportunity, our life opening to our desires in a way that’s refreshingly different…. most of the time, it’s hijacked by practicality and fear. At the… Continue Reading Keeping Change Fresh: the Power of “New”

Resolving To Be New: The Art of the Successful Resolution

Ah, New Year’s. That time once a year when things are new and shiny, and hope springs, singing “I can CHANGE!” What a lovely, lovely idea…if only we could change that easily, I would be out of a job and into my fallback career as professional storyteller. Let’s get real. If I said to myself… Continue Reading Resolving To Be New: The Art of the Successful Resolution

Gut Yule! and the Spirit of Reconciliation

Gut Yule! Did you know that the date set for Christmas was actually an act of conciliation? It seems strange to me that at this time of the year, there’s so much tension about what we’re celebrating, when in one form or another, we’re all celebrating the light.   According to some historians, the first… Continue Reading Gut Yule! and the Spirit of Reconciliation