Every time a new client walks into my office, I am aware of the tremendous courage it took for many of them to overcome the shame of needing to ask for help with their distress. I value the work I do, and cherish the portion of the path I get to share with my clients… Continue Reading Now More Than Ever
Holiday Fantasies
This is not a love story about the value of family. This journal entry is instead dedicated to all those scorched souls out there who are still recovering from being with family and finding out that they’re no better this year than last. Especially those who are kicking themselves for knowing better, and falling victim… Continue Reading Holiday Fantasies
Changing: The Promise of Neuroplasticity
Changing In my work with teens, I’ve met with a number of sullen, angry faces, seemingly impermeable to any effort on the part of an adult to reach them. Then I tell them this story, and sometimes, SOMETIMES, a little light shows through. The story is this: A man was walking along the beach when… Continue Reading Changing: The Promise of Neuroplasticity
Video Message from Psychotherapist Inga Larson
I value the work I do, and cherish the portion of the path I get to share with my clients as they find their way toward a more meaningful relationship with the world.
Denver Psychotherapist Inga Larson on Lifecrafting
Inga Karen Larson, LCSW LMT, has been providing support and assistance to individuals and families for over fifteen years. In my practice, I help you meet and embrace your true self, in all its richness. With heart and deep listening, I’ll work with you to discover what you truly want, and what is holding you… Continue Reading Denver Psychotherapist Inga Larson on Lifecrafting
Final Reflection . . . Tribal Future? (Ecotone #6)
Final Reflection … Tribal Future? Ecotone #6 The Venerable Dalai Lama, in discussing ethics for the new millennium, welcomes conflict. Given respect and compassion, he recognizes and encourages its power to generate synthesis, the formation of new and better ideas. Given that I’ve always enjoyed a good fight, I take his words hopefully. Exploring the… Continue Reading Final Reflection . . . Tribal Future? (Ecotone #6)
Peace in Ecoland? (Ecotone #5)
Peace in Ecoland? Ecotone #5 With the holidays upon us, my mind turns towards reconciliation. In previous articles, I’ve written about the struggles both bodyworkers and psychotherapists face as they face each other in this land we share. Personally, I’m envious of my ancestors. Hundreds of years ago in European tradition, and even today in… Continue Reading Peace in Ecoland? (Ecotone #5)
Overcoming Table Terror (Econtone #4)
Overcoming Table Terror. Ecotone #4 While some of us enter the wilds of the ecotone freely and of our own will, others get backed into it. Perhaps a little bit of off-roading at first, and before we know it, we’re hacking our way through the underbrush. Example: twenty years ago, I’m sitting in a friend’s… Continue Reading Overcoming Table Terror (Econtone #4)
Making the Connection (Ecotone #3)
Making the Connection. Ecotone #3 On the northeast corner of my practice room hangs an old photograph of a mother and infant, the eyes of both locked blissfully on one another. In its presence for the last nine years, mature adults have looked up at me with childlike openness. Having received bodywork, I’ve also experienced… Continue Reading Making the Connection (Ecotone #3)
Soma: The Power of Treating the Body (Ecotone #2)
Soma: The Power of Treating the Body. Ecotone #2 Ever since I was a kid, I’ve fallen in love with words. It’s something I’ve had to get over, in both my practices as a massage therapist and psychotherapist, in order to listen to the more telling subtext of expressions—a breath, a yawn, a shudder—leading to the meat of revelation and… Continue Reading Soma: The Power of Treating the Body (Ecotone #2)