First, don’t panic. We humans have been here before, many times throughout our history. And yes, temporarily, we’ll have to do without some items. But the vast majority of us will pull through. Here are some changes I’m making in my practice that are intended to help with this:
- I’m still seeing clients who feel the need for in-person work at my offices. My professional history includes work with clients with impaired immune systems (HIV), so standard precautions are something I’m comfortable with…and air-born pathogens, even those that live on surfaces, are already in my awareness. I’m using antivirals, keeping my surfaces and my hands clean. However, any time you leave your home, you do take a risk. Therefore…
- Consider telehealth. Some of my clients have impaired immune systems or are concerned about becoming carriers for those near and dear to them who do have challenged systems. Others simply, and wisely, want to avoid unnecessary exposure, and are practicing social distancing. For them, online therapy is a great option. My preferred platform these days is Zoom, and I’m happy to help with the download if you don’t already have it.
- In conjunction with this, my online hours are expanding. Any appointment made at the Highlands location can also be an online appointment…just let me know if you’d like online instead of in-person
- Due to the nature of the illness, I’m suspending my 24 hour cancellation policy. If you suspect your system is compromised, either by symptoms showing up or that you may have been exposed and be a carrier, text or call as early in the day as you can, and let me know you won’t be coming in.
- Alas, I won’t be offering anyone tea while this is going on! Feel free to bring your own.
- Finally, I know that some of you will experience a financial challenge during Social Distancing. Please feel free to let me know what you can afford, and we’ll figure out a price point and schedule that will work for you.
Final Thoughts…
These are odd times we live in. Mostly, we’re able to go about our business making certain assumptions: if we’re too tired to fix a meal, we can pop by a restaurant; if we’re in an extroverted frame of mind, we can enjoy the excitement of a parade or the pleasure of a gathering; there will always be toilet paper. As creatures of habit, we don’t always realize just how shaken up we can get when what we take for granted is no longer there. While I extend my compassion towards those in fear, I also encourage your leaning into exploring this as an opportunity to assess what you really need, and the direction your life really needs to take.