I am a fully licensed massage therapist in the state of Colorado, as well as on track to be a certified Clini-Coach due to my 20+ year history as a licensed psychotherapist. I am a member of USABP and the Trauma Healing Institute.
My background includes the following:
Program Therapist, St. David’s Pavilion. Provided individual, family,and group therapy for inpatients and patients in intensive outpatient program suffering from suicidal thoughts/behaviors, severe mood disorders.
Program Therapist, Meridell Achievement Center. Provided individual, family and group therapy for oppositional adolescents, addressing both mood and characterological disorders.
Private practice specializing in somatic disorders since 1997, psychiatric disorders since 2000.
Peer counselor, Alternative Horizons domestic violence hotline. Advocated with law enforcement for better understanding in addressing needs of victims and families, as well as counseled those assaulted by partners/spouses. Trained other counselors.
Program Coordinator, counselor, Child Assault Prevention Program. Educated and counseled children and their caregivers to identify and address unsafe situations in tri-county area. Expansion of program as well as advocacy on related issues in coordination with other local non-profit and government entities
Coordinator, Counselor, and Trainer for GLAD hotline, in Durango, Colorado, serving regional population addressing issues of sexual orientation.
Hotline volunteer, OutYouth, addressing needs of gay and lesbian adolescents.
Group Facilitator, Parents Anonymous group for parents abusive of, or in danger of abusing, their children.
Counselor at methadone clinic, working with heroin and other addictions.
Internships working with people with AIDS, adolescents with developmental disabilities and I have worked with diverse populations both culturally and financially.